Meet Cintia, Customer Care Supervisor

Cintia Cuyun

Cintia, a valued member of the JK team, is a Customer Care Supervisor and has an inspiring story to share about her career path and personal life. Let’s get to know Cintia and learn more about her JK journey.

Cintia’s career path to JK

Cintia’s passion for customer care traces back to her first job at Subway during her high school days. There, she discovered her knack for taking care of customers and thus making them happy. This innate desire to help and connect with people motivated her to pursue a career in customer care. She has worked in various industries, starting in food services and moving on to the carpet and air duct cleaning, and then trash disposal industries, where she held positions ranging from receptionist to billing and collections. Cintia’s commitment to assisting others and navigating challenging situations led her to her current role at JK.

Embracing the JK culture

Seeking a new career challenge, Cintia initially became interested in JK after regularly spotting our trucks near her previous workplace. A friend who worked at JK encouraged her to apply. While interviewing, Cintia instantly felt a connection with the company and the people she met, finding them friendly, caring, and supportive. She joined JK in April of 2022.

Cintia’s favorite aspect of working for JK is our company’s core values, particularly the emphasis on being caring and courteous. In her previous jobs, these values were not always prioritized, yet at JK, they are integral to the company culture. Cintia appreciates how colleagues take care of one another and focus on finding solutions for challenges faced in the moving industry. Moving can be a stressful experience for customers, and Cintia and her team strive to provide care and support during these significant transitions. She finds immense satisfaction in being part of a team that genuinely cares for customers.

A milestone journey at JK

Cintia’s career at JK has been marked by significant milestones. Starting with the local customer care team of just five members, she quickly progressed to overseeing the receptionist team within six months. Soon after, she took on the responsibility of managing the long-distance customer care team as well. Currently, Cintia leads three different customer care teams, a role that she initially thought might be overwhelming but now finds enjoyable and fulfilling. She praises each of her teams, expressing her pride in their dedication and their genuine care for customers’ needs.

Looking to the future, Cintia’s goals revolve around her commitment to JK. She views the company as the best she has ever worked for and sees herself climbing the ladder within the organization. Her aspirations include progressing to the roles of Customer Care Manager and eventually Customer Care Director. Cintia is determined to continually grow as an individual, an employee, and a compassionate human being.

Balancing family and fun

Cintia Cuyun and family

Outside of work, Cintia is a dedicated wife and mother. She has a 15-year-old stepson, a 7-year-old son, and a 1 1/2-year-old daughter. Her family is her pillar of support, and they enjoy spending quality time together. As a soccer mom, Cintia’s weekends are often filled with tournaments and games, as both her sons are involved in soccer. Whether it’s cheering from the sidelines or enjoying outdoor activities together, Cintia and her family find joy in shared experiences.

When asked to describe herself in three words, Cintia chooses “committed, caring, and loving.” These qualities are evident in her interactions with both her team members and customers and aptly summarize her dedication to her work, compassion for others, and love for her family. As she continues to make her mark at JK, we are excited to see her future achievements and the impact she will make in the organization.

Are you or someone you know interested in a career with JK Moving? Please visit our Careers site to learn more!