Meet LeMar, IT Service Desk Manager

JK Moving Careers

Meet LeMar, the friendly face behind the IT Service Desk at JK Moving. With nearly four years under his belt at JK, LeMar brings not only technical expertise but also a big heart and a passion for making a difference.

Career journey

LeMar’s journey to the IT world started in an unexpected place: law enforcement. Having earned a degree in criminal justice, he spent years as a police officer before realizing that a career switch was in order. With a knack for technology and a desire to serve others, LeMar pursued a master’s degree in cybersecurity, laying the groundwork for his current role as JK’s IT Service Desk Manager.

Why JK Moving?

Joining JK Moving wasn’t originally in LeMar’s plans, however, the company’s growth trajectory and ambitious projects caught his attention, presenting an opportunity too good to pass up. Drawn to the chance to be part of something larger than himself, LeMar took the leap and hasn’t looked back since. His decision to join JK was both about a job and also about aligning himself with a company that shares his values of growth, impact, and community.

LeMar’s favorite part about working at JK

LeMar Pollard - Red Cross volunteerFor LeMar, the heart of his job lies in the simple act of helping people. Whether he’s troubleshooting tech issues for his colleagues or lending a hand through his volunteer work with the Red Cross, he finds immense satisfaction in making a positive impact in the lives of others. It’s not just about solving problems — it’s about being there for others when they need it most, embodying the spirit of compassion and service that defines his character.

LeMar Pollard’s expert advice for aspiring IT professionals

To those just starting out in the IT field, LeMar offers a nugget of wisdom: Hone your critical thinking skills. Technology is constantly evolving,  so the ability to think on your feet and solve problems creatively is invaluable. It’s not just about memorizing facts or mastering specific tools; it’s about developing a mindset that embraces challenges and finds innovative solutions. By sharpening your critical thinking skills, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the ever-changing IT landscape and thrive in your career.

Personal and professional goals

As he looks ahead, LeMar’s ultimate goal is to retire as a mountain bike trail leader, trading in his IT focus for adventures in the great outdoors. Until then, he’s focused on working hard and making the most of every opportunity that comes his way. Whether advancing his career in IT or spending quality time with his family, LeMar is determined to seize the day and build a life filled with purpose and passion.

LeMar’s life outside of work

When he’s not tackling IT challenges, LeMar Pollard’s world revolves around his loving family. Married for almost 16 years, he and his wife are proud parents to four amazing kids who keep them on their toes. From soccer games to family movie nights, LeMar treasures every moment spent together. And when he’s craving some adventure, you’ll find him hitting the trails for mountain biking, even if it means navigating Florida’s sandy paths!

Best personal achievement

While LeMar’s professional accomplishments are undeniably impressive, he holds his family closest to his heart as his greatest achievement. Their love and support fuel his drive to be the best version of himself both at work and home. In a world where external accolades often measure success, LeMar finds true fulfillment in his relationships with his loved ones, knowing they’re his primary source of pride and joy.

LeMar’s greatest strength: Courage under pressure

LeMar’s life is full of remarkable moments, but one that stands out is when he stepped up as a real-life hero. Picture this: it’s the dead of night, and LeMar, then a police officer, receives a frantic call for help. Without hesitation, he rushes to the scene, where chaos reigns as a woman hangs precariously from a second-story balcony on some kind of cord or sheet. With adrenaline pumping and realizing that he forgotten his pocket knife, LeMar methodically works to undo the knots and free the woman. This story is a testament to LeMar’s courage, quick thinking, and unwavering dedication to helping those in need.