Meet Jackie, VP, International Services

Jackie has worked at JK Moving for nearly nine years and recently took on the role of Vice President of International Services, which is a rapidly growing segment of the business. Given the nature of the division, Jackie often finds herself traveling overseas, which has the benefit of allowing her to explore different cultures and cuisines.

Joining the field

Jackie’s journey into the world of international services began in the sixth grade. Following PSAT testing to explore her interests and aptitudes, she was drawn to logistics and international business, igniting a passion that would shape her future.

With a clear sense of purpose guiding her, Jackie focused her education on international business and logistics. In college, she worked to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in global business. Majoring in international business and logistics gave her a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of facilitating international trade and related services.

Jackie’s studies equipped her with a practical understanding of the intricacies of managing operations globally. This expertise laid a solid groundwork, setting her on a trajectory toward success in the international moving services industry.

Jackie’s career before JK Moving

Before joining JK Moving, Jackie worked in an intern position before graduation that focused on global logistics. This role provided her with valuable hands-on experience and insights into the intricacies of international services.

Jackie later transitioned into a role at a global logistics and storage company, where she worked for several years to hone her skills and expertise. It is here that she met Phil Wells, who served as a mentor to Jackie during the early part of her career.

The prospect of a buyout by another company led Jackie to find herself at a crossroads. Unwilling to compromise her principles and vision for her career, she decided to seek new opportunities elsewhere. It was at this point that Phil Wells stepped in and played a pivotal role in her decision to join him at JK Moving. Together, they facilitated the recruitment of several other talented individuals from their former workplace. This move marked the beginning of Jackie Stouffer’s JK journey, where her skills, passion, and dedication have served her well over the last eight and a half years.

Life at JK Moving

At JK, Jackie’s impact has been transformative. Quickly earning a place for herself, she took on the role of Director for International Services in 2020, with a mission to cultivate and expand the division’s capabilities. Her dedication and leadership were instrumental in building the team from 8 individuals to a staff of 35 members and counting. Jackie’s ability to nurture talent, foster collaboration, and inspire growth was the cornerstone of her success in this role. Under her guidance, the International Services division at JK Moving has thrived, evolving into a dynamic and highly efficient unit poised for continued success.

Jackie’s advice to others considering a similar path? Cultivate dedication and perseverance. She underscores that, while the field may appear glamorous, success ultimately hinges on one’s willingness to work hard and remain dedicated in the face of challenges.

Jackie Stouffer’s personal life and hobbies

Jackie Stouffer - traveling with friendsJackie has diverse interests and a deep passion for life beyond the business. She is engaged to be married in November, and she and her fiancé share their home with two four-legged companions: a miniature goldendoodle and an 80-pound pit bull.

Jackie’s downtime pursuits reflect her adventurous spirit, as she enjoys exploring new destinations whenever possible. Fueled by her passion for exploration and discovery, she wants to travel to as many new places as possible, with a particular interest in the rich cultures and diverse landscapes of Asia and South America.

Jackie is also an avid reader, finding comfort and inspiration in the pages of a good book. While she loves trying new foods, Jackie prefers to indulge in other people’s creations, enjoying the flavors without the hassle of cooking for herself.