Meet Michael, Account Executive

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We recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Michael, an Account Executive at JK Moving, to uncover what makes him an invaluable asset to our team. As we continue highlighting the incredible individuals behind our company, join us to learn more about Michael.

A full-circle journey in the moving industry

Michael was born and raised in Washington, D.C. However, he moved away to attend university in Chicago, IL. Several years later, when Michael returned to his hometown, a representative from JK Moving reached out to him because he felt Michael’s background experience would be a good fit for an open sales position.

As it turned out, the job offer from JK had completed a full-circle moment. While living in Chicago, Michael had taken a job for the summer on the labor crew of one of the largest residential moving companies in the area. Eventually, Michael worked on the facility crew at his university and, upon graduation, accepted a position with a corporate logistics firm handling the transportation of goods.

During the interview process with JK Moving, Michael discovered that his past experience aligned perfectly with working in the commercial moving industry.

A milestone of self-reliance

As a new hire at JK Moving, Michael appreciated that as one of the youngest employees at 26 years old, many of his veteran peers took him under their wing and helped guide him. While he learned much from their support, Michael’s most significant milestone occurred several months into the job, when he earned the trust of those in positions above him to complete quotes and proposals on his own without requiring oversight.

Future goals that reach across the world

While Michael has enjoyed handling moves in the Washington, DC, Virginia, and Maryland area, his aspirations reach further across the country and, ultimately, into JK Moving’s influence worldwide. He would welcome the experience of traveling and, even more so, the opportunity to take on the challenge of providing efficient and effective moving services internationally.

Michael Rankin outdoors

Time spent outside the office

Michael’s interests beyond the office focus on fitness. After a childhood of playing sports, Michael has since transitioned his workout routine to the weight room in the gym, where he spends six days a week. He also has become certified as a personal trainer. Michael enjoys getting outdoors and hiking the surrounding area, especially in Great Falls Park, VA, one of his favorite hiking locations.

The three words that describe Michael

Michael chose “thoughtful, precise, and open-minded” to describe himself. These traits will undoubtedly benefit him as he finds success in contributing to the growth of our organization.